Module 1:
- Basic HTML
- Why and Scope of HTML
- Doctype.
- HTML Tags , Attributes , Meta tag , Headings ,Paragraphs , Comments.
- Hyperlinks.
- HTML Images.
- Tables ,Colspan ,Rowspan.
- Order List & Unorder List.
- Forms , IFrames.
- HTML Input Fields – textbox, Radio button, Checkboxes, Passwords, Combo Box, Textarea.
- HTML Input Types – text, number, file, email, date picker, color picker, button, submit.
- Doctype declaration and character encoding.
- Semantics and markup.
- New semantic tags.
- New And Updated Elements.
- Structural Elements.
- New Attributes.
- Video, Audio and Youtube Video.
- Canvas ,SVG.
- New Input Types ,Attributes.
- Setting form autofocus.
- Using placeholder data.
- Marking required fields.
- Working with number inputs.
- Using date picker.
- Form Validation.
- Browser Support.
Module 2:
- Basic CSS.
- Why and Scope of CSS.
- CSS for Web Based Application.
- Syntax.
- Inline CSS ,Internal CSS, External CSS.
- Classes, Tags and IDs.
- Background ,CSS Comments.
- Selectors ,Combinators ,Borders ,Rounded corners.
- Box Model ,Text shadows ,Box shadows ,Floating.
- Positioning ,Text Decoration ,Text Align ,Text Font.
- Font Styles ,Google Fonts ,Text Effects ,Image Sprites.
- Image hover effects.
- Styling Lists ,Styling Links, Styling Table.
- Display Properties ,Gradients ,Transitions.
- Z-index ,Overflow ,Psudo class ,Psudo elements.
- Opacity.
- Linear gradients ,Radial Gradients.
- Background images ,Background size.
- Transformations: translate, scale, rotate.
- Transitions: property, duration, timing.
- Animation.
- Targeting multiple devices.
- Targeting different screen sizes.
- Create a website using all the concepts learnt.
- Work on a live project.
- Header : You will build the header section of your website using HTML and style using CSS.
- Menu : We will teach you to create the website menu and decorate it.
- Sidebars : In this lecture, you will add sidebars and fill them with lists and use CSS to style them.
- Footer : We will add a footer to your website.
- Sass Intro ,Installation , Variables ,Nesting.
- Sass @import , @mixin ,@extend.
- Sass String ,Numeric.
- Sass List ,Map.
- Sass Selector.
- Sass Introspection.
- Sass Color.
Module 3:
- Why Bootstrap?
- What is Bootstrap?
- Responsive Web Design(RWD) an overview.
- Download and getting started with Bootstrap.
- Structure of Bootstrap Application.
- Introduction to Grid Sytem.
- Default and Fluid Grid System.
- Designing a grid system for desktop/ tablets /smart phones.
- Nesting and Offsetting columns.
- Reordering of columns ,Bootstrap Gutters.
- Typography.
- Images ,Tables ,Figures.
- Form control ,Select ,Checks & radios.
- Range, Input group ,Floating labels.
- Layout ,Floating labels, Validation.
- Accordion ,Alerts ,Badge.
- Breadcrumb ,Buttons ,Button group.
- Card ,Carousel ,Close button.
- Collapse ,Dropdowns, List group.
- Modal , Navs & tabs ,Navbar.
- Pagination ,Popovers ,Progress.
- Scrollspy , Spinners ,Toasts, Tooltips.
- Clearfix , Colored links ,Ratio.
- Position ,Visually hidden ,Stretched link.
- Text truncation.
- Background, Borders ,Colors.
- Display, Flex ,Float ,Interactions.
- Overflow ,Position ,Shadows.
- Sizing ,Spacing ,Text.
- Vertical alignment ,Visibility.
- ScrollSpy , Collapse, Tabs, Tooltip.
- Popovers.
Module 4:
- Syntax.
- Statements ,Comments.
- What is variable ,Use of variable.
- What is data type.
- Different data types.
- Alert.
- Confirm Prompt.
- Arithmetic ,Assignment ,Comparison.
- Logical ,Conditional.
- if , if…else , if…else if…else , Switch.
- for loop ,while loop , do..while loop.
- User-defined Functions.
- Built-in Functions.
- Mouse Events ,Keyboard Events.
- Frame/Object Events ,Form Events.
- Clipboard Events.
- Number,Number Methods.
- String ,String Methods.
- Math ,Random.
- Object ,Arrays.
- Array Properties and Methods.
- Array sort.
- Date ,Date Formates ,Date Methods.
- Break ,Continue ,Boolean ,Regexp.
- Timing Functions.
- Error handling.
- Form Validations.
- Basics of Form Validation.
- Validating Radio Buttons.
- Validating Checkboxes.
- Validating Select Menus.
- Validating Textareas.
- The let keyword.
- The const keyword.
- Arrow Functions.
- JavaScript Classes and Objects.
- Number Methods.
- Math Methods.
- Array Methods.
- String Methods.
- Default Parameters.
- Rest Operator.
- Spread Operator.
Module 5:
- Python and its applications.
- Installation and configuration.
- Working with IDLE (Integrated Development & Learning Environment).
- “Hello World” program.
- Data Types ,Variables.
- String concatenation.
- Indexing ,Slicing of strings.
- Typecasting and its applications.
- Escape character ,User inputs.
- List ,Tuple.
- Differences between lists and tuples.
- Dictionary ,Set.
- Practical applications of data structures.
- If-else loop ,For loop ,While loop.
- Problems based on control loops.
- Inbuilt functions in Python.
- Function definition.
- Function calling.
- Problems based on functions.
- Introduction to object oriented programming design paradigm.
- Classes and objects ,Constructor function.
- Class variables ,Class methods ,Static methods.
- Practical implementation of object oriented programming.
- Creation of Python modules.
- Packages.
- Installation and usage of pip (package manager).
- Importing modules.
- Introduction to exceptions.
- Try and except block.
- ‘Finally’ keyword.
- User defined exception.
- Global variables ,Local variables.
- Python Coding Standard.
- Python Standard Library.
- Lambda functions.
- Map, filter and reduce.
- List Comprehensions.
- ntroduction to APIs.
- Client-server architecture.
- Endpoints.
- GET vs POST requests.
- Working with APIs using Python.
- Mini project based on Google Maps API.
- API-based assignment (PROJECT).
- Pandas and Numpy.
- Analyzing datasets in CSV files.
- Scikit Learn library.
- Predicting stock market prices (PROJECT).
- Dictionary Update And Merge Operators.
- New Flexible High Performant PEG-Based Parser.
- New String Functions To Remove Prefix and Suffix.
- Type Hinting For Built-in Generic Types.
- Support For IANA timezone In DateTime.
- Ability To Cancel Concurrent Futures.
- Consistent Package Import Errors.
- Random Bytes Generation.
- String Replace Function Fix.
Module 6:
- Django Setup.
- Django Project.
- URL Mappings.
- Templates.
- Static Files.
- Django Models Overview.
- Creating Models.
- Population Scripts.
- Prefabs in Unity.
- Models-Templates-Views Paradigm .
- Django Forms.
- Form Basics Code Along.
- Form Validation.
- Model Forms.
- Model Forms Exercise.
- Relative URLs with Templates.
- Relative URLs Coding Examples.
- URL Template Inheritance.
- Template Inheritance Coding Example.
- Quick Note on Custom Template Filters.
- Template Filters and Custom Filters.
- Template Filters Coding Examples.
- Django Passwords.
- User Models.
- Crediting the Author of 3D Model.
- Coding User Models and Forms Part One.
- Coding User Models and Forms Part Two.
- Registration.
- Logins.
- Blogging Project.